The aim of the game is to find the kept hidden items in the correct order as soon as possible and collect daily points.Let s explain the MP game with an example based on numbers.. When a game starts android picks a hidden 3-digits number. Let this hidden number be 792. The digits of hidden number is represented by "*" character. ("***" for our sample) It has an important rule for that number. The hidden number is selected such that a digit can occur at most once (like 123 or 754 or 912 etc..) There are no repeating digits at the number ***.When enter our first estimated numbers (sample 123) . it seems "123 1-". "1-" means , *** number has one digit of our estimated numbers. But number is at different position. (2 for our sample) Our 2nd number is 456. After that there is no + or - positions because *** number has no our digits..Our 3rd number is 789. After that it seems "789 1+1-" It means *** have 2 digits of guess. One of them at same position and one of them at different position.Our 4th number is 782. After that it seems "782 2+" It means *** have 2 digits of guess and 2 of them are same position.Our 5th number is 792. After that it seems "792 3+" It means *** have 3 digits of our guess and 3 of them are same position. So? we have found that number. Every number is at same position.The Game make you crazy but it will run your mind.. have a nice games..